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Having a learning disability is a very real handicap, but not a well understood one. Many famous and financially successful people have been learning disabled – it would seem their difficulties in the academic field encourage them to strive for success in other fields. Because this handicap is a “hidden” one, it makes it all the more difficult to raise funds.  When faced with the obvious handicaps such as physical, deafness or blindness, the public and the business sector are usually more eager to assist. 

Educating a learning disabled learner costs more than a learner at a mainstream school.  Smaller classes and  employing  Psychologists, Speech and Occupational therapists, and specially trained Remedial Educators are costly.  The running costs of such a school is astronomical. 

The ALD was formed in 1988 to be the official sponsoring body of The Kenmont School, which is situated on the Bluff.  With academic classes from Grade R to Grade 12 and a Vocational Unit Kenmont School caters for learners who have been  diagnosed with a specific learning disability and are referred from all over KwaZulu-Natal.   The school is growing because of the ever-increasing demand for this type of specialized education, and a lack of placement options for Learners with Specific Learning Disabilities. 

We believe our children can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

  • To Fund and Support a school for Learners with Specific Learning Disabilities.

  • To provide appropriate, quality education with well- trained and well-equipped staff in classroom- and subject teaching and in the fields of psychology, remedial-, speech-  and occupational therapy.

  • To provide a foundation of quality, standardized general education which will suit the needs of these learners and help prepare them to be more independent and for life after school.

  • To promotes Lifelong learning to enable learners to continue with further learning and skills in a fully inclusive society and occupational environment.

  • To help learners reach their full potential.

  • to create opportunities for success for all learners affected by learning disabilities through support, education and advocacy.

Our Mission

Our Vision

The ALD visualizes a world in which learning disabilities are universally understood, so all individuals are accepted, supported and empowered to live a self-determined life.

We Need Your Support Today!

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